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  • Phototropy - video
    "Phototropy" is a biological expression describing the force, that keeps organisms or organs, like for example bacteria or plants, following the light, in order to get nutrition and hence, to survive. The interactive computer installation
  • Collaborating as boredomresearch, Southampton based Vicky Isley and Paul Smith have gained an international reputation for interrogating the creative role of computing. boredomresearch often think of themselves as employing computer gaming
  • Reiner Strasser is an artist of traditional and digital arts. He studied art, art history and philosophy at the University of Mainz, Germany. His Web works, international collaborations, and Web art projects date from 1996. Strasser's Web work has
  • A-Positive -
    A-positive, a dialogical event created by Ed Bennett and myself, probes the delicate relationship between the human body and emerging new breeds of hybrid machines that incorporate biological elements and from these elements extract sensorial or
  • Tea Flock -
    Tea Flock infuses migrating rituals and represents emerging patterns through the group behaviour of objects, using data from migratory birds to-and-from tea-growing countries and the UK. A dynamic gaggle of unfilled vessels flock to tea-rich lands
  • Invitational screening of my video "The Golden Seed." Butoh performance by Kazuo Ohno. Photographs of Butoh by Nourit Masson-Sekine.
  • La Membrane -
    Conception et réalisation du dispositif central, en interaction totale avec le visiteur selon des principes d'"architecture organique". "La membrane est un dispositif organique constitué d'un ensemble de surfaces virtuelles souples, mouvantes qui
  • Museum of Post-Contemporary Art (MuPCA) in The Dump Paris est une ville qui semble croire Ă  un dĂ©terminisme calendaire qui affecterait l’histoire de l’art et plus encore l’architecture de sa conservation. Orsay: un musĂ©e du XIXe siècle, le Centre
  • Nastplas is an international Artists duo based in Madrid, Spain, formed in 2006 by illustrator Fran R. Learte 'drFranken' and creative director Natalia Molinos 'Na' (together 'Equipo Nastplas'). Our work combines an impressive range of digital
  • Dans les projets de conception d’exposition, je m’efforce de considĂ©rer la scĂ©nographie comme une composante significative du message vĂ©hiculĂ© par le projet musĂ©ographique. Nous sommes en effet passĂ©s d’une Ă©poque oĂą le musĂ©ographe avait