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Dietz Steve, ed. Superlight : Global Festival of Art on the Edge. Cleveland, USA,: MOCA, 2009.
Thompson, Steve. Four Questions for George Legrady
Levy, Steven. Artificial Life - a Report from the Frontier Where Computers meet Biology. London: Vintage, 1993.
Goldberg, Ken and Michael Mascha and Steven Gentner and Rossman Jürgen and Nick Rothenberg and Carl Sutter and Jeff Wiegley. Beyond the Web: Manipulating the Real World Computer Networks and ISDN Systems Journal 28, no. 1 (December 1995):
Goldberg, Ken and Michael Mascha and Steven Gentner and Rossman Jürgen and Nick Rothenberg and Carl Sutter and Jeff Wiegley. Beyond the Web: Excavating the Real World via Mosaic In Second International WWW Conference, Chicago, IL, : 1994.
Mannell, Steven, ed. IMAGES OF PROGRESS. Kitchener: Twin City/Dwyer Printing Co. Ltd., 1997.
Brand, Steward. The Media Lab: Inventig the Future at M.I.T.. London: Penguin Press, 1988.