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  • Zillner, Christian. Die Tragtasche als Informationstransformator Published in: Ruth Schnell, Lisi Hämmerle Gallery, Catalog, Bregenz.
  • Territorism - video
    Dynamic video projection Project for the facade of Kunsthaus Bregenz (AT) Assistance: Patricia Köstring Sound: Nico Kirisits Post-production: Peter Koger, Manuel Maxl Recording and projection: Mäser digital media/Daniel Flatz Performer
  • Territorism II -
    Dynamic video projection 'Territorism II' was conceived in 2005 as an indoor version of the video projection 'Territorism' at the Kunsthaus Bregenz (2002). It was shown for the first time as part of the exhibition In the line of flight in the China
  • Pichler, Cathrin. Zu Territorism von Ruth Schnell In Ruth Schnell: Territorism. Broschüre zur Ausstellung im Kunsthaus Bregenz, edited by Kunsthaus BregenzBregenz: 2002.
  • Salon du Monde -
    In cooperation with Kunsthaus Bregenz Gabriele-Tergit-Promenade 7 (Potsdamer Platz) / public space
  • Territorism -
    Event: TerritorismInstitution: Kunsthaus BregenzComment:
  • Event: Floating SignsInstitution: Hafen BregenzComment:
  • round 72
    installation in public space, Bregenz
  • Brejc, Tomaž. On Sublime. Personal Experiment in Slovene Painting Art Words 85/86. Ljubljana: ZDSLU (2008).
  • Brejc, Tomaž. Slika 2000/Painting 2000 Equrna Gallery, 27. 6. – 5. 8. 2000. Ljubljana: Equrna Gallery (2000).