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  • ... a sequence of art experiments in diverse forms i.e audio-visual piano concerts,...
  • ... from the interaction as dynamic animated forms on the Hypercube and a full database of the...
    ... stylised visible body parts (abstracted forms of hair, eyelashes and skin structures) to...
  • ... – softened, multiplied, liquified forms levitating through warped or non-gravitational...
  • ... as dematerialised floating, kinetic light forms, freed of the constraints of time, mass and...
  • ... and interactive internet-based art forms. The multi-year project involved the...
  • 13,16′ The recording of dynamic forms of magnetic fluids that are produced by invisible magnetic...
  • homunculus.nimbus -
    ... of a future where synthetic life-forms may be commonplace. The exhibit simulates the...
  • ... He is deeply interested in new forms of computation, learning systems, the...
  • ... a landscape of abstract artificial life forms that they created through their...