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  • electric earth -
    In Doug Aitken’s cinemascope-like, walk-in, multi-sectioned, video installation «Electric Earth» [...] the public is transported into the atmosphere of an airport by night. A flaming car and an abandoned shopping cart compliment the eerie scenario
  • Refraction
    "Refraction" explores the cinematic narrative of the photographic image in a non-electronic form, the lenticular medium, a process in which two or more images can be seen sequentially simply through the changing of the observer’s viewing
  • Blast -
    From its beginning in 1990, Blast has set out to explore contemporary texts and images and their accompanying practices of reading, viewing, and authoring. Blast has conducted these explorations in terms of a publication, investigating the changing
  • The "US Department of Art & Technology" is an artist-led, virtual government agency. The US DAT functions as a conduit between the arts and the broader political and economic culture for facilitating the artist' need to extend aesthetic inquiry
  • Elke Reinhuber's work focuses on decision making processes and counterfactual thoughts in media arts. As a decidophobic in her own life, she explores alternative layers of the here and now with immersive environments and expanded photography.
  • ADA Artist Interview with Victor AcevedoArchive of Digital Art, November 2021Full text and interview by Alejandro Quiñones on ADA: are your current
  • SOMMERER &MIGNONNEAUThe Archive of Digital Art, 03/2023Text & Interview by Carla Zamora“A dark room. It contains plants, and there’s a large-format projection in thebackground. A group of astonished individuals are touching the plants –
  • ADA Artist Interview with Elke ReinhuberArchive of Digital Art, March 2022Text & Interview by Carla Zamora have you been working on recently?As I
  • In this essay, media researcher and developer Tiago Martins provides insight into the development process of the mixed-reality archive AR[t]chive during a large research project. The HoloLens based application enables users to explore archived
  • Limitless2023 -
    This interactive real-time artwork comments on the volatility of the stock market and the ephemeral nature of wealth, through an exploration of the intersection of technology, finance and mythology. Harris employs live market data, organising