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  • America`s Finest -
    ... grabbing and mixing capabilities. This piece uses a targa plus graphics adaptor, custom software programmed by Paul Tompkins in C, a...
  • ... New Media in the White Cube and Beyond (UC Press, 2008); and Digital Art (Thames and Hudson 2003 / 2008 / 2014). As Adjunct Curator...
  • ...ergiadis, Nikos. No Way Home In Cross Currents, edited by ZKMVol.2. ZKM Digital Arts Edition, Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 1999.
  • ... of artworks, research and art-products utilizing digital media and computer. The preferred media are interactive...
  • ... en la difusión y promoción del arte público y las artes digitales writer and art critic consultant devoted to spreading and...
  • ...Dr. Jeffrey Huang is Associate Professor of Architecture, Digital Media and Information Technology at Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD),...
  • Satellite Contact -
    ... one of the most extensive national archives in the world. In a digital age, the mechanical eyes of two cameras facing forward and...
  • Digital artist working with media & code
  • ...The six two-dimensional, digital print works Making of Eve Clone Portraits IAR, are extensions of Portrait of Eve Clone and Making of Eve Clone...