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  • ... or the waiting "wall" by the dance floor. When the viewer approaches the figures they are triggered into activity, what they do...
  • Halo
    ... attracting flying figures into their orbit. When the viewer approaches the screen the figures are 'pulled' down to earth, where...
  • Ripple -
    ..."p-Soup" and the forerunner "Ripple" are more formal graphic approaches to the Internet and the computer, using the possibilities of the...
  • LumiTouch -
    ... the components, interactions, implementation and design approach of the LumiTouch system. (Source:...
  • Petite Terre -
    ... sensing system. Most of the animals are timid, so that the approach of a person will most likely result in the sounds of things...
  • ... in response to where you stand. Lozano-Hemmer's interactive approach is summed up most spectacularly in an installation called...
  • Day of the Figurines -
    ... a game. 'Pervasive gaming integrates the technical approaches of computer gaming with emerging interface, wireless and...
  • Close Up - video
    ... people who have recently looked at the work. When a viewer approaches the piece, the system automatically starts recording and...
  • Gaude Mihi -
    ... me, give me pleasure) which is self-balancing when its owner approaches, might just seek to generate its own amusement, therefore...
  • ... domains of verbal dynamics. One of the ways to do this is to approach other languages, such as graphic arts, performance,...