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  • ...This project explores the value of immaterial production in a virtual world, and if and how this can be transferred into an economy of material production. We have collected a series of immaterial objects produced and owned by inhabitants in the online world Second...
  • ...Morse, Margaret. Nature Morte: Landscape and Narrative in Virtual Environments In Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments, edited by Mary-Anne Moser and Douglas MacLeod, 195-232. Cambridge, London: MIT Press and Banff Centre for the Arts, 1996.
  • ...Penny, Simon. 2000 Years of Virtual Reality In Through the Looking Glass, edited by Janine Cirincione and Brian D´AmatoNew York: Jack Tilton Gallery, NY, 1993.
  • Virtual LifeArtist: Thomas RayComment:
  • ...Reaney, Mark. The Theatre of Virtual Reality Theatre Design and Technology XXIX, no. 2 (Spring 1992): 29-32.
  • ...Giannachi, Gabriella. Virtual theatres. An Introduction. London/New York: Routledge, 2004.
  • ...Lanier, Jaron. Virtual Reality: A Status Report In Cyberarts: Exploring Art and Technology, edited by Linda Jacobson, 272-279. San Francisco: Miller Freeman Inc., 1992.
  • ...Penny, Simon. Twenty Centuries of Virtual Reality In Virtuaalisuuen Arkeologia, edited by Erkki HuhtamoRovaniemi: Lapin Yliopisto, University of Lapland, 1995.
  • ...Tice, Steve and Linda Jacobson. The Art of Building Virtual Realities In Cyberarts: Exploring Art and Technology, edited by Linda JacobsonSan Francisco, CA: Miller Freeman Inc., 1992.
  • For this installation an augmented-reality apparatus was made where the viewer could rotate and tilt an optical system attached to a monitor, so that various simple computer-generated objects could be seen floating in different locations in the real