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  • Telematic Connections: The Virtual Embrace is a traveling exhibition organized and circulated by Independent Curators International (ICI), New York, and curated by Steve Dietz. The exhibition, Web site and the accompanying CD-ROM are made possible,
  • Telematic Connections: The Virtual Embrace is a traveling exhibition organized and circulated by Independent Curators International (ICI), New York, and curated by Steve Dietz. The exhibition, Web site and the accompanying CD-ROM are made possible,
  • Telematic Connections: The Virtual Embrace is a traveling exhibition organized and circulated by Independent Curators International (ICI), New York, and curated by Steve Dietz. The exhibition, Web site and the accompanying CD-ROM are made possible,
  • Taken -
    transmediale.07 with its theme "unfish!" analyses the artistic processes open for variation and reversion of choices once made. The festival has its focus on the point at which fixed things are put into motion again, and asks for the meaning of
  • ArsRss -
    ArsRSS re-reads between approximately 100 art and new media related RSS feeds twice-daily, caches the feeds and completely re-writes its database of words found in the feeds. This makes for fast response times both for searching across feeds and for
  • Guardian Angel -
    Guardian Angel is a fictitious corporation that offers a broad range of highly personalized services in exchange for extreme personal surveillance. The installation is made up of three elements: a video projection of a live, fairly invasive video
  • Riot -
    Alternative web browser: The Tompkins Square riots and the state sponsored enforcement of gentrification in New York's East Village in the '90s inspired Riot, an alternative browser that crosses the virtual boundaries in the web. Riot breaks the
  • pinwheels -
    The pinwheels project continues the study of Ambient Fixtures to communicate digital information at the periphery of human perception through ambient media. This project takes fields of pinwheels and explores what arrangements create interfaces that
  • Manifesting randomness ​ Alexandra Ehrlich-Speiser creates manifestations of the random. Using arbitrary decisions and consciously brought about glitches in machines and digital systems she creates poetic experiences that recontextualize the
  • Extensions -
    Extensions (1999-2000) was my contribution to a group project called "Reaching", which set out to look at networking as a metaphor for various ways of communicating or of "reaching" from one point or person to another. The other artists were Susan