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  • ... and its conditions. Its point of departure is the conceptual...
  • ... presents them visually from the point-of-view of the media, the...
  • ...l Institute of Justice Level 3: magnum 9mm point blank range protective lingerie....
  • ... measuring from the arm to a point in the surrounding area. It scans...
  • Plasm: In the Breeze -
    ... sensors mounted at the pivot point, 20' overhead. (source:...
  • Stream I Stream II -
    ... else can see, from their point of view, and how would we...
  • Parallax -
    ... to account for their new point of view. Each viewer generates...
  • Epicene -
    ... the viewer to enter at which point they would hear a hypnotic...
  • The Meadow -
    ... as seen from a central vantage point. It is winter in the meadow, then...
  • Suspension
    ... extended, mobile, fluctuating point of view, able to resolve and...