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  • Processes gathered a compendium of works that used the new Tools and technological media of the moment showing new ways to create, capture, process, transmit and store informational content. In this Exhibition is evidenced the disappearance of the
  • This installation entitled There's no simulation like home is the culmination of artistic telematic research since 1992. The exterior of the installation resembles the back of a plasterboard stage set, or as if the bricks of a house had been
  • A large steel ball hangs from four cables and motorized pulleys within the atrium of this building. Connected to the center's computer network, anyone working there can interactively program its movement paths.
  • Big father -
    Steel, concrete, electromechanicals, medical hardware, ultrasonic sensors, audio and video. 5 units 7 ft high, plus attendant hardware. 1991-92 Over the past 20 years, an entirely new global system of digital communication has come into being,
  • A blue taffeta and black velvet party dress is displayed on a dressmaker's mannequin or 'Judy,' located next to a computer and several monitors of varying sizes. In large type, the stock ticker symbol and price which is being tracked,
  • THE MEDUSA PROJECT (AUTOBIOGRAPHY) refers to the relationship between women and power as depicted in both ancient mythology, and in postmodern culture. It represents my attempt to directly merge personal history and influences into the production of
  • Epidémie -
    Rendre visible l’invisible Parce que l’on parle ici de l’invisible qui détermine notre destin, il est important de lui donner une forme de visibilité. Le danger réside dans l’incapacité du cerveau à dissocier l’importance de la menace de la
  • Artists who create interactive systems and artistic interface designs have begun to look for new display possibilities. For this reason façade’s of contemporary buildings have been largely investigated as a sort of membrane for the display of
  • Imagine a 3 x 3 x 3 mirrored cube suspended 25 centimeters from the floor supported on a crosspiece in the center of a base having four springs, one on each corner. Two of its facets rotate on its central axle. One facet pivots and the other facet
  • The Unemployed -
    The Unemployed is an interactive installation that visualizes worldwide unemployment, depicting the jobless as animated figures moving in an abstract representation of urban space. Viewers movements are tracked and their silhouettes are replaced by