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  • Holopoetry
    ...Kac, Eduardo. Holopoetry Visible Language 30, no. 2 (1996): 184-212. Kac, Eduardo. Holopoetry Visible Language 30, no. 2 (1996): 184-212.
  • ... Excluding or denying parts of its own body, forgetting to take into... the world press (Media) code: English speaking net connected... into consideration continents, languages, communities, because they... into consideration continents, languages, communities, because they...
    ... FILE - Electronic Language International... FILE - Electronic Language International...
  • ... ry to find an innovative formal language for exciting topics,... ry to find an innovative formal language for exciting topics,...
  • ... with the help of a language originally developed by AT&T... with the help of a language originally developed by AT&T...
  • Silence -
    ... film, continues, holding out its desire for dialogue and cuddles. It... announcement “Noise = absence of language = silence” warns us that the... announcement “Noise = absence of language = silence” warns us that the...
  • ... electronics create a ‘New Language’ with a slippering affect from... electronics create a ‘New Language’ with a slippering affect from...
  • ... it is not expressed by language but by the gesture of tails of... it is not expressed by language but by the gesture of tails of...
  • ... on the subjective nature of language and perception. (source:... on the subjective nature of language and perception. (source:...
  • Roaming -
    ... Festival of Electronic Language), both in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Festival of Electronic Language), both in Sao Paulo, Brazil.