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  • Underscan - video
    Under Scan is an interactive video art installation for public space. In the work, passers-by are detected by a computerized tracking system, which activates video-portraits projected within their shadow. Over one thousand video-portraits of
  • Jonathan Harris studied computer science at Princeton University before winning a 2004 Fabrica fellowship in Italy. He creates online projects that re-imagine how humans relate to technology and to each other. These combine elements of computer
  • 1973 first video experiments; in the 1980s starts a video program at the Cornish College of the Arts; since 1985 lives in Seattle (USA). Gary Hill is one of the most important contemporary artists investigating the relationships between words,
  • Big father -
    Steel, concrete, electromechanicals, medical hardware, ultrasonic sensors, audio and video. 5 units 7 ft high, plus attendant hardware. 1991-92 Over the past 20 years, an entirely new global system of digital communication has come into being,
  • Currently an Assistant Professor developing an electronic art program at Union College in Schenectady, NY, Fernando Orellana uses new and traditional media as a way of transmitting concepts that range from generative art to socialpolitical
  • Carl Theodor Dreyer's 1928 'La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc' is arguably one of the finest films in the history of film, and Renée Jeanne Falconetti, primarily known as a stage performer in light opera, provides it with one of cinema's most harrowing
  • Innovation Forum -
    The INNOVATION FORUM is an issue-based interactive multimedia forum on innovation and technology that solicits real-time comments from its viewers. The exhibit features real-time ability for visitors to record and playback audio/video comments.
  • Most people cannot reconstruct smells from memory (it’s rather hard to mentally “picture” a familiar smell, although someone’s face would be pretty easy to visualize). When we try to recall the smell of mint, we end up recalling how mint looks. We
  • The Body Remembers -
    Spanning 22 years and three continents, the performance, video and digital media work made by Jill Scott coalesces at points that are both corporeal and mechanistic. The differing themes and effects of each work are supported by a range of interests
  • Run Motherfucker Run -
    Run Motherfucker Run is an interactive installation whereby anyone in good physical condition may try his or her luck in a city of empty streets, disserted intersections, ominous alleyways and unexpected obstacles. When you take position on the