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  • Beloff, Zoe. La vie revée de la technologie Trafic, revue de cinéma 30 (Summer 1999): 84-91.
  • Transmediale '99 -
    ... changes the branch has undergone and brought about.
  • etoy -
    1994-1999 etoy.CORPORATION 1999-2005 etoy.holding etoy was the first streetgang on the internet, a glamourous boygroup consisting of designers, architects, popstars, marketing agents and systems engineers/coders with a strong corporate identity
  • Dolinsky, Margarete. Facing Reality Artists Using Science and Technology, YLEM Newsletter (July/August 1999).
  • Peter Hagdahl is an artist and professor. He make use of sculptural tradition and spatial configurations exploring the new realities of the information technology. He became the first professor of New Media Art at the Royal University College of
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Phototropy II In Zeichenbau - Real Virtualities, edited by Manfred Wolff-PlotteggWien: Gesellschaft bildender Künstler and Künstlerhaus Wien, 1999.
  • Manovich, Lev and Jean-Luc Alpigiano, ed. CommunicationIdentification. Paris: Galerie Jorge Alyskewycz, 1999.
  • Einleitung
    ... In Kunst ohne Unikat: Multiple und Sampling als Medium:...
  • Goldberg, Ken and Karl Bohringer and Ron Fearing. MicroAssembly In Handbook of Industrial Robotics, edited by S. NofHoboken, NY: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 1999.
  • Ascott, Roy, ed. Reframing Consciousness. Plymbridge: Intellect Books, 1999.