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  • ... poetics and context-dependent processes with materialities can...
  • ... Since 1997, I have investigated the process of “reverse engineering” by (re...
  • ... the Visual Mathematical form. I process every idea both visually and...
  • ... and to investigate the creative process itself. Her contributions to...
  • ... never completed, concerning the process of learning and experimentation...
  • ... functioning of one system or process by means of the functioning of...
  • ... the society in which gathering, processing and distribution of... design, architecture and art. “Ornament is Dead,” “The House is a Machine...
  • ... room; a time-lag exists in this process. Neither the body nor the...
  • Molecular Clinic 1.0 -
    ... inspection or exchange. In the process of exchanging a molecule...
  • Telenoia -
    ... experience and a collaborative process.We want the art we make to be...