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  • TRIAD HyperDance -
    ...TRIAD HyperDance is an interactive art work on the net, containing a dance work as hypervideo and an interactive choreography. The work can be seen at the url address and at the The TRIAD HyperDance is based...
  • ...This CAVE-based interactive and immersive installation explores the potential of the world-wide web as interactive and immersice data and information medium. Today information on the Internet is presented in a standard fashion, as defined by the currently available...
  • ...Mercury Project combined robotics and archaeology in an interactive art installation. To our knowledge, the Mercury Project was the first system that allowed WWW users to remotely view and alter the real world via tele-robotics. Users excavated artifacts buried in a...
  • The Tele-Actor -
    ... microphones connected to a wireless digital network. Live video and audio are broadcast to participants via the Internet or interactive television. Participants not only view, but interact with each other and with the Tele-Actor by voting on what to do...
  • ... utilisé était Explore de T.D.I., implémenté sur une station Silicon Graphics Iris 4D/25. Afin de permettre la visualisation interactive, le nombre des polygones constitutifs de chaque vue a été limité à 10 000 et le nombre des couleurs affichables à 16, sans...
  • ... the floor of the exhibition space. The spectators stand on a surrounding balcony where a joystick enables any one of them to interactively operate the work by panning in any lateral direction over the surface of its images and zooming in or out of a chosen...
  • The Trace - video
    ... telematic space. The piece consists of vectors, sounds and graphics that respond to the movement of the participants. Two interactive stations are needed for the piece; these are interconnected with a normal ISDN digital line so they can be in the same...
  • The Blue Station -
    ...Conceived in collaboration with the French architect Jean Nouvel , won the co m petition to create Paris 's first interactive subway station in the heart of Paris . Funded by the RATP (Parisian Transport Company) this unique project is meant to be a subway station...
  • Petit Mal -
    ...Although much work has been done in the field of screen-based interactive art, the mode of interaction in these works is confined by the very existence of image material on a screen, the so called "graphical user interface". I am particularly interested in interaction...
  • Equivalents II -
    ... an intent to mathematically simulate believable still-images that convey the realism of the photographic. It is based on an interactive computer program that produces abstract, cloud-like images when text is entered into the computer. In an installation...