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  • ... It was to showcase and unveil a total monopoly of information and a... nor the significant estimated value of the company. We would have...
  • ... to bring together egalitarian values, collaborative perspectives and...
  • ... and reinventing social values will generate a new fair global...
  • (W)orld Currency -
    ... compensate the losses in the total average (G). The algorithm... two elements indicate how the value of the currency is calculated and...
  • FACT Centre -
    ... in installation caused by the contractors who installed the work has...
  • ... prosperity, many of the less valued stories will lose their physical...
  • ... line with the requirements of total visualization that surrounds us...
  • FLUflux -
    ... progressive) changes in the total numbers of passenger traveling...
  • Der Wald
    ... the infinity of gaze leads to a total loss of perspective." Anna...
  • Preghiera -
    ... to join hands around this totally contemporary and technology...