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  • William Latham's Computer Artworks In 1990 Mark Ayres was commissioned by artist William Latham (then Visiting Fellow at the IBM UK Scientific Centre) to compose a score for his Computer Art film The Evolution of Form. The result was highly
  • Currently the Director of Dundee Contemporary Arts, Scotland’s largest contemporary arts and media centre, I lead a large staff team and a critically acclaimed programme of contemporary art, cinema, research and production & education activity.
  • Char Davies is internationally recognized for pioneering artworks using the technologies of virtual reality. Originally a painter, she transitioned to digital media in the late-80s, becoming a founding director of the 3-D software company Softimage.
  • Myron Krueger born in Gary, Indiana (USA); studied at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire from 1962-1964. From 1967 to 1974, he studied computer science at the University of Wisconsin. Krueger has been working together with artists since 1969. He has
  • Lillian F. Schwartz is best known for her pioneering work in the use of computers for what has since become known as computer-generated art and computer-aided art analysis, including graphics, film, video, animation, special effects, Virtual Reality