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  • Echelon -
    ... in collaboration with Canada, Australia and New Zealand.... has available. Whenever a user moves their mouse over a text it...
  • fire_scape -
    ... Arts Council, Edmonton, Canada, for the newly built Firestation...
  • BioARTCAMP -
    ... from The University of Windsor, Canada. BioARTCAMP is a hybrid workshop...
  • ... by the Department of Defense of Canada and U.S. through Verisign's... in several nations. Thanks for your attention.... the pre-chosen contents. The user is doing greater relief inside the...
  • ... and sculpture and writes about young artists as well as forgotten...
  • ... alongside Germany, the USA, Canada, Great Britain, and the... laboratories and inventive young artists fascinated by...
  • ... the whole range of this young genre of art. Under the motto... making playful and intelligent use of various media.
  • ... (in part) thanks to the Canada Council for the Arts. The... thereby triggering a game of cause and effect between the participant and...
  • ... and Japan. He won the first „Young Art and New Media Award“ in Munich,...
  • City Sonics #8 -
    ... sound. City Sonics also supports young creation through its « Sound...