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  • Earthling
    Event: EarthlingInstitution: Michael Steinberg Fine ArtsComment:
  • Paik, Nam June. Brief an Dr. Steinecke In Niederschriften eines Kulturnomaden. Aphorismen. Briefe. Texte, edited by Edith Decker, 51-53. Köln: DuMont, 1992.
  • Leitner, Markus and Ivana Ljubić and Martin Luipersbeck and Max Resch. A Partition-Based Heuristic for the Steiner Tree Problem in Large Graphs (2014): 56-70.
  • Legrady, George and Brigitte Steinheider. Realizing a Digital Media Installations: Problems and Synergetic Effects of an Interdisciplinary Collaboration In Proceedings of MTAC 2001, Multimedia Technology and Applications, UC Irvine, , 255-260.
  • Weibel, Peter. Probleme der Neo-Moderne In Identität: Differenz. Tribüne Trigon 1940-1990. Eine Topographie der Moderne, edited by Peter Weibel and Christa Steinle, 3-29. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1992.
  • Steinle, Christa and Peter Weibel. Political Intersections In Dennis Del Favero: Cross Currents - ZKM Digital Arts Edition 2, edited by ZKM KarlsruheVol.2. Zkm digital arts edition, Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 1999.
  • Kac, Eduardo. Aspects of the Aesthetics of Telecommunications In Zero -- The Art of Being Everywhere, edited by Gerfried StockerGraz, Austria: Steirische Kulturinitiative Graz, 1993.
  • Kac, Eduardo. Aspekte einer Ästhetik der Telekommunikation In Zero - The Art of Being Everywhere, edited by Gerfried StockerGraz, Austria: Steirische Kulturinitiative Graz, 1993.
  • Event: ... Krise ist immer...Institution: steirischer herbstComment:
  • Event: Steirischer Herbst festivalInstitution: Studio GalerieComment: