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  • F.A.B.R.I.CATORS is a digital media company specializing in: Interactive Technology, Virtual Reality, Interactive Media, Networking, Robotics, Digital Media and Integrated Media. The company operates in the fields of: Art, Design, Architecture,
  • Species LifeArtist: Nell TenhaafComment:
  • Energy conversion -
    In the plant cell, huge numbers of chlorophyll molecules are linked one to another. When they receive light, they synchronize their activity perfectly. Each of the molecules receives and transmits photons all the way to the reaction center of the
  • Peeping into a mirror-clad triangular prism, a surveillance camera observes images of its own species, while the kaleidoscopic reflections turn the devices into floral ornaments, referring to the ever-growing arrays of CCTV equipment in a tropical
  • Hi, thanks for your interest in my work. I'm both a composer of experimental music and an internet artist. Please find below a list of my website-specific activities. For access to my musical works on Mille Plateaux, mappa etc. please visit my
  • Duende Diagram -
    A cartographic map of the different flows that constitute my theories of a becoming cultured brain. More specifically how noise and improvisation through their bringing about difference and variation in the cultural landscape producing other neural
  • Crary, Jonathan. Suspensions of Perception: Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture. Cambridge, MASS: MIT Press, 1999.
  • Huhtamo, Erkki. Illusions in Motion. Media Archaeology of the Moving Panorama and Related Spectacles. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013.
  • Intimate Perceptions -
    Intimate Perceptions was part of Digitized Bodies - Virtual Spectacles
  • Barents Spectakel -
    Event: Barents SpectakelInstitution: Pikene pa BroenComment: