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  • ... and myth. Lila Moore also holds an MA in Independent Film and Video and an MPhil on the evolution of performative and screen-based... Lila Moore is a pioneering artist, filmmaker, screen choreographer, networked performance and mixed reality creator. She holds a practice-based...
  • ... in a same virtual space, is represented as an avator. The video image captured by the camera at the terminal is texture mapped... "Global Interior Project" is an experimental art work using digital networking technology for realizing Networked Multi-User Virtual Environment...
  • and interactive videos with strange subtitles and other misused YouTube functions. each one based on & using sounds from one... into 20 alphabetic categories - Alarms, Ambiences, Animals, Cartoon, Crowds, Doors, Emergency, Foley, Horror, Household, Human...
  • ... is a science fiction fairy tale compiled from surveillance video footage recovered under the UK’s Data Protection Act. The film... who works outside the frame. The "moving" image, and in particular the evolution of film in the digital or networked age,...
  • ... and the poetic ideas presented in the interactive. A video laserdisc contains over 30 minutes of computer animation - a... made from computer algorithms rather than flesh and blood? Artificial Life is the name given to the simulation of natural forms...
  • ... media arts since 1977, integrating the time-based forms of video with practices of installation, computer imagery, print,... Switzerland) has worked in the analog and digital media arts since 1977, integrating the time-based forms of video with...
  • Tele-Lectures -
    ...ctures - Streaming Service 2001-2004 has a wide range of video documentation of lectures by renowned artists and academics... a wide range of video documentation of lectures by renowned artists and academics produced in collaboration with well-known...
  • ... years 1987 to 2019 and his computer animation and visual music video work spanning 1985 - 2018. On the occasion of this exhibition,... of his digital work at Los Angeles Center for Digital Art. He showed a selection of print work that spanned the years 1987...
  • L’exposition à la médiathèque George Sand présente le travail vidéo de Maurice Benayoun - La série Quarxs réalisée entre 1990 et 1993 en collaboration avec le dessinateur de bandes dessinées François Schuiten et l'écrivain Benoît Peeters. une des
  • ... from the 1940ies. The projector was modified to hold a small video projector and some sensor technology. When visitors enter the... & Christa SOMMERER developed for The View Contemporary Art Space Swizerland The installation "Escape" deals with the issue of...