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  • FEEDFORWARD – The Angel of History addresses the current moment in history where the wreckage of political conflict and economic inequality is piling up, while globalized forces—largely enabled by the “progress” of digital information
  • n an information-based age, the ability to search and organize information amounts to power. Search engines shape knowledge, modulate web traffic, and contribute to the creation of new semantics and meanings. Currently, Google's influence is
  • Abandoned
    Abandoned artist's studio featuring a technical apparatus in a process of transition in which analog turns into digital. Reflection on mise-en-scène of media, performance, installation and exhibition: recorded and constructed, present and absent,
  • Living in Mixed Realities What does it mean to live, play and work in a world shaped and perceived through digital media, networks and architectures of real and virtual space? How can the development of complex communication spaces, life
  • In our post-future era of acceleration and densification of information, the state and nature of being live and online becomes one of the crucial definers of our social presence. Response and action are compressed into an existential here and now
  • One of the first dance and media performances designed for a fulldome virtual reality environment. An immersive visual and sound environment, paired with epicurean pleasures and the contemplation of a dance performance. Architectural skies and
  • The audience is elevated and observes the stage from a low angle, as in an anatomical theater where humans are enveloped by a swarm of inorganic beings. Graphical entities with their own behavioral code. A show for two dancers and digital particles,
  • Series of 3D prints in polymer additive plaster, highlighting the interrelation between real objects and their 3D virtual counterparts. The 3D print "Inevitable Beauty" is subjected to a temporal maelstrom in its fabrication, while "Compulsive
  • inSite 2000 -
    inSITE 2000 beteiligte künstlerInnen: Carlos Amorales, Gustavo Artigas, Judith Barry, Jordan Crandall, Arturo Cuenca, Roman de Salvo, Dias & Riedweg, Mark Dion, Silvia Gruner, Diego Gutiérrez, Jonathan Hernandez, Norma Iglesias & Rita Gonzales,
  • To mark the start of the new decade, the European Media Art Festival presented a review of German experimental film and video art production from the 1980s, offering viewers the opportunity to see familiar works again and to perhaps rediscover and