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  • Recombinant Icon -
    ... side of the screen is captured and re-scaled to become... on the grid, blown up to approximately 10 times their...
  • Cosmopolis
    ... to the touristy landscapes one may expect to see, these... (82 feetx82 feet), 600m2 approximately ( 2000 square feet...
  • ... robotic “wandering” is captured over the evening onto the... A series of actions are applied to the movement of the...
  • This augmented reality work series is located in and around the buildings of the Istanbul Biennial. Inspired by Pedrosa and Hoffmann's curatorial statement referencing the works and methodology of Felix Gonzalez-Torres, these artworks overlay simple
  • Looking for God -
    ... The microphone then captures a three-second sample of...
  • Illuminating Clay -
    ... geometry is captured in real time using a...
  • Universal Translator -
    ... of the moving lips are captured by computers. These... time, short video clips appear that comment on the...
  • ... sound of the car. The captured data was then used to...
  • Liquid Views - video
    ... moment of reflection - captured in the melting image -... in the process of approaching, exploring, and...
  • ... Once a visitor is captured, matched and tagged,... through various Web 2.0 applications, but it playfully...