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  • Mimetic Starfish -
    The Mimetic Starfish is a virtual creature, projected onto a large circular table. It reacts to visitors hand gestures in a life-like manner, slowly extending a tentacle towards a gently moving hand, or receding rapidly in an impulsive manner if the...
  • A time-based work on decay and energy presented in 6 museum vitrines arranged in a triangle, containing 3 alchemical flasks of acid, alakaline and base each with 3 rods of copper, iron and aluminium connected to 3 old IBM Dos computers, their screens...
  • Biotica -
    An immersive journey into a world of artificial-life creatures.
    Viewers use their arms to fly and navigate in a virtual 3D world of evolving, swimming and pulsing a-life creatures.

  • mimesia -
    Mimesia is an interactive painting that draws the viewer into a dream-like flow of unfolding narrative. As if in a dream, the viewer can look around but cannot control what will happen next. The work incorporates paradigms from painting, film and...
  • "je suis (un readymade)" is a touchscreen television installation. Each participant directs his or her own experience through this unfolding discourse surrounding the issue of "free speech" in a mass media environment. Individuals find themselves...
  • The Spectrascope -
    The gallery installation of The Spectrascope consists of a large scale projection of the image updating in real-time accompanied by the 'fear frequency'*.
    This is an audio frequency of 19hz, which is just below the range of normal hearing...
  • Glenlandia -
    From September 2005, a webcam will be transmitting images of Loch Faskally, Perthshire, Scotland from the FRS Research laboratory, Faskally.

    This webcam will be harvesting images pixel by pixel, second by second and day by day over the course of...
  • A unique opportunity to create a new learning environment, the new classroom at Mossbrook Special School is a Science teaching space, designed for learning about the natural environment through direct interaction with it. The school is situated in...
  • Infected -
    Infected is about the nature of the physical body in the context of future possibilities, and the new status of the corporeal body seen through dance and digitally manipulated imagery. The new bio-engineered body is still sexual, stark, brutal,...
  • As you enter into the space you are confronted with a dramatic and disturbing combination of images and sound. A ‘wall’ of figures, naked and staring straight at the audience span the width of the gallery space. The life size figures initially appear...