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    ... of the body and the fragility of their incarnation in the gallery are an allusion to some...
  • Bodies INCorporated -
    ...Bodies© INCorporated is an investigation into social psychology and group dynamics, actualized in...
  • Blue Window Pane II -
    ... CAVE virtual reality art experience that includes networking, live video, and sound...
  • ... translation and amplification is meant to increase the breath’s salience and legibility,...
  • BIOS -
    ... works reflecting and questioning the increasing dependency on tools. At the same time,...
  • Biopsia - video
    ... was part of the first exhibition of the incoming graduate students in the Design Media...
  • ... metabolism and environmental conditions, including temperature, relative humidity, airflow,...
  • Bio-Présence -
    ... are replaced by less noble vegetation, incapable of reconstructing the former ecosystem,...
  • Bio-Mass -
    ... Digital Film Recorder. Bio-Mass was later included in the triptych called Cyber-Vid...
  • ... art as well as spiritual traditions, including Zen Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and...