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  • ...w, Caroline and Will Straw and Joseph Yvon Theriault, ed. Canadian Identity:...
  • Duction
    ...Tomas, David and Michele Theriault. Duction. Bohemia, NY: Intra Media Publishing,...
  • ... house spider (Theridiidae) in the winter and an orbital web spider in...
  • Elastic Fax 1 -
    ... by Eduardo Kac, was realized at the Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de...
  • ... paintings dealing with the economy of attention and value... The artwork could now be sold for exactly that value, or sent on...
  • ...Sleep is by no means the tranquil affair we think it is, constant movement between...
  • ... and Architecture Critics from the Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal... s born in São Paulo, Brazil in 1982. He holds a Master's in Arts and Architecture...
  • ... her PhD in Physics from the University of Toronto, did...
  • Monogram
    ... Laboratory technician inserts the DVD containing Kac's Monogram and...
  • Cracks to Oases -
    ... describes my personal observations during the workshop Ingrutatti Palermo as part... many stories about water are told from contemporary perspective as...