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  • Ascott, Roy. The Telematic Moment L´Estetica della Comunicazione (1987): 81-84.
  • Ascott, Roy. Estética de la Tecnoética: El arte y la construcción de la realidad In Arte Virtual Realidad Plural., edited by Karin Ohlenschläger, 33-44. Monterrey, Mexiko: Museo de Monterrey, 1997.
  • Ascott, R.. Le moment télématique In L'estetica della communicazione, edited by M. Costa, 81-84. : Palladio Editrice, 1987.
  • Deep Sleep moves backwards and forwards in time between a notorious Sydney psychiatric institution of the 1970's where patients were subjected to "deep sleep" therapy, and the Chelmsford Royal Commission, established in the 1990's to
  • February: 6th Japan Media Arts Festival Exhibition of Award-winning Works Dates: February 27–March 9, 2003 Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography (Ebisu, Tokyo) Entries: 1,375 works (including 138 from overseas) Visitors: 16,060 people
  • Aprile Francesco. Differenza ed estetica digitale: il glitch. Vol.september 2016. th ed.Italy:, 2016.
  • Giannetti, Claudia. Estética digital: sintopia del arte, la ciencia y la tecnología. Barcelona, Spain: L´Angelot, 2002.
  • Iglesias, Ricardo. Arte y robótica. La tecnología como experimentación estética. ISBN: 978-84-15715-74-0. th ed.Madrid: Casimiro, 2016.
  • Kwangju Biennale 2004 -
    "The Gwangju Biennale 2004 is a cultural forum that experiments with established cultural practices that are centered around the art specialist and cultural power, specifically, artist and curator. To subvert the existing hierarchy, we deploy new
  • The range of images, films, music and texts on the internet is growing rapidly. All digitally available elements can be used as material to make new collages. For this reason, many artists scour the internet’s servers for raw material to integrate