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  • ... and Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media (CSIM),...
  • transmediale '00 -
    ... was speculating about major computer break downs, philosophies that...
  • ... She pioneered video, Brain-Computer Interfaces, and was part of the...
  • ... in Paris; professorship in computer and video art at the Academy...
  • Arslab
  • ... an intervention in the lighting systems of public spaces intending to...
  • ... composer, film-maker, computer scientist and social activist...
  • LAB 1: ART+COM -
    ... that everyone would have a computer in their home. It was a rather...
  • Children's Tales? -
    ... "The Fisherman and His Wife" computer animations. 18 / 07 / 2017 -...
  • ... of Art and Artificial Life Computer Today Journal 1, no. 71 ...