Archive Search

  • data.spectra -
    data.spectra is the first work of the data.series. Across the entire width of a darkened room is an intensely bright, narrow screen. On moving closer, the screen reveals that the source of the flood of light into the room is a vast array of tiny...
  • Compass -
    Compass is a kind of orientation machine to wear around your waist that gives you directions while you are walking through virtual corridors and rooms. These have been programmed to fit the physical exhibition space or any other venue. The machine...
  • Changes of State -
    Elgin Talkies is a 110-year old theatre in Shivaji Nagar. This electrical installation, mostly held up with cellotape and binding wire and reconfigured almost every day, was up for 5 evenings at the theatre and on the street outside it.

  • There are many ways to "locate" a city, and oneself within it. One way is to distance oneself from it - to look it up in an atlas, a picture, or to go out to sea or up a hill to watch the twinkling lights, and point out the sights we know. Another...
  • The Savant Guard -
    The Savant Guard is a public art commission for the city of Pasadena, California. Since its opening in July 2006 it is one of the few outdoor, publicly accessible "interactive" artowrks in the US.

    This project is a collaboration between myself...
  • Visit-US (2005, 1 minute, digital animation) Visit-US explores the ways in which national border controls have been updated and expanded through the use of digital technology and electronic surveillance. The transition from an emphasis on physical...
  • We Feel Fine is an exploration of human emotion on a global scale.

    Since August 2005, We Feel Fine has been harvesting human feelings from a large number of weblogs. Every few minutes, the system searches the world's newly posted blog entries for...
  • News/Reel
    NEWS and REEL (2005) were developed during an artist’s residency undertaken at the Media Archive for Central England (MACE), in September 2005. The residency was one of three organised as part Necessary Journeys, an Arts Council England programme...
  • die.txt -
    die.txt is a bio-engineered text editor. As the user types, individual
    words spawn outgrowths of alternative meanings and definitions. These
    metonyms are sucked from Wordnet, a lexical reference system
    developed by Princeton University.
  • GWEI - Google Will Eat Itself

    by UBERMORGEN.COM feat. Alessandro Ludovico vs. Paolo Cirio

    Net.Art, digital Actionism / Media Hacking, mixed Media, 2005

    We generate money by serving Google text advertisments on our Websites. With this money...