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  • Theme: affective turbulence, the art of open systems. DEAF, the Dutch Electronic Art Festival, is a biennial international and interdisciplinary festival organized by V2_ in Rotterdam (NL) which showcases crossovers between art, technology and
  • Andrés Burbano and Esteban García Bravo. Konrad Zuse: enabler of computational arts? Archiving and Questioning Immateriality , no. 190 (2016).
  • medi@terra 2006 -
    medi@terra festival dedicates its 7th edition to videogames and the crucial role they play in today’s digital culture. The fields affected by videogames have multiplied, forming a platform with numerous applications in different areas of reality:
  • Currently Director of NEoN Digital Arts. NEoN Digital Arts (SCIO) aims to advance the understanding and accessibility of digital and technology-driven art forms and to encourage high quality within the production of this medium. NEoN has organised
  • Esteban García Bravo and Angus G Forbes and Vetria L Byrd and Andrés Burbano. The interactive image: a media archaeology approach Leonardo 4, no. 50 (AUGUST 2017): 368-375.
  • Paragens
    Herkenhoff, Paulo Estellita. Paragens In XXI. Bienal Internacional de Sao Paulo. Exposicao Coletiva de Diana Domingues, edited by Jorge Eduardo Stockler, 207. : Fundacao Bienal de Sao Paulo, 1991.
  • Survey of Prints -
    In 2003 the Museum purchased Atlas Procession I, a print by William Kentridge, the first work by this internationally renowned South African artist in the SCMA collection. This fall, Kentridge is the subject of a major exhibition at SCMA, William
  • Differenza ed estetica digitale: il glitchArtist: Francesco AprileComment: