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  • Eden -
    ... move about the environment, making and listening to sounds, foraging... through space and onto the surrounding walls. The intent is to confuse... resulting in multi-layered images that appear to float through...
  • Fascinum -
    ... I know about that, is the milliondollarhomepage, where the vacuum... the paradoxes of global thinking in a blink. This real-time... process. But in Fascinum, images explicitly come from the news,...
  • ...RESPONSIVE WORKBENCH : THINKING BY HAND 1993 The Responsive Workbench is an... glasses are used to view these images in three dimensions. To view the...
  • In this essay, media researcher and developer Tiago Martins provides insight into the development process of the mixed-reality archive AR[t]chive during a large research project. The HoloLens based application enables users to explore archived
  • ... been seen by more than 3.4 million people. It was nominated for... universe. She is currently workingon an Nova HDTV show, "Runaway... shown in many exhibitions around the world including Digicom in... Cox has exhibited computer images and animations in more than 100...
  • Transarchitectures -
    ... Transachitecture par Odile Fillion, fondatrice et commissaire de... doit vivre et lire au delà des images. C'est lui qui se révèle par...
  • ... of the time of the artists working in the project. The designers cover... the viewer can look around the interiors and examine the... technology. The images and installations on view here...
  • Under Fire -
    ... of conflict within the workings of a global system. In this way it... level, Under Fire foregrounds the structural conditions of... of violence and the role that images play as complex registers of...
  • House -
    ... behavior and so does the surrounding environment. On a smaller micro... the archive of data, sounds and images. This also includes live CCTV...
  • Cosmopolis
    ... of urbanization, making a visit a physical and intellectual... points, allow one to be surrounded 360° by twelve urban... of words, sounds, and video images. In various spots, it points out...