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Paper: Techno-Spiritual Horizons: Compassionate Networked Art Forms and Noetic Fields of Cyborg Body and Consciousness
Ray, Tom and Georg Gilder and Ray Kurzweil and Michael et. al. Denton. Kurzweil´s Turing Fallacy In Are We Spiritual Machines. Ray Kurzweil vs. the Critics of Strong AI, edited by Jay RichardsSeattle, WA: Discovery Inst, 2002.
Ostrowski, Matthew. Summerland: Exploring the Intersection of Spiritualism and Technology at the Dawn of the Electrical Age Leonardo Music Journal 29 (2019): 73-77.
Ostrowski, Matthew. Summerland: Exploring the Intersection of Spiritualism and Technology at the Dawn of the Electrical Age Leonardo Music Journal 29 (2019): 73-77.
Ostrowski, Matthew. Summerland: Exploring the Intersection of Spiritualism and Technology at the Dawn of the Electrical Age Leonardo Music Journal 29 (2019): 73-77.
Ostrowski, Matthew. Summerland: Exploring the Intersection of Spiritualism and Technology at the Dawn of the Electrical Age Leonardo Music Journal 29 (2019): 73-77.
Huhtamo, Erkki. The Dream of Personal Interactive Media: A Media Archaeology of the Spirograph, a Failed Moving Picture Revolution Early Popular Visual Culture 11, no. 4 (2013): 365-408.
Huhtamo, Erkki. The Brown-Urban-Joy Spirograph: A Postscript Early Popular Visual Culture (July 30, 2014).
Event: ComputerkulturtageInstitution: Spittelberg Cultural Center in AmerlinghausComment: