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  • The Visual Orchestra -
    ... minutes, digital animation with original soundtrack) Using color and form, an original...
  • GALLIA - video
    ... rhythm, recurrent sequences and vibrant soundtrack.
  • ... submerged in the interactive space. Sounds included heartbeats and breathing that...
  • Petite Terre -
    ... by water. The world is inhabited by the sounds of a variety of frogs, birds, insects, etc....
  • ... display and immersive low-frequency sounds, which echo the unpredictable fluctuations...
  • ... Drummer: Martin Mansour Walker: Sandra X Soundtrack by Igor Amokian [aka Chris Holland]...
  • Mutatis mutandis -
    ... from digitalized video images and sounds. It addresses issues concerning poetry and...
  • Second Promenade -
    ... based on different meshed media: images, sounds, music, videos and a computerbased text....
  • ... in order to produce a video. The soundtrack was the result of the last frame (the...
  • Sleeper -
    ... link up to the work to clearly hear the soundtrack of the film and a story of this...