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  • Uršula Berlot, (b. Ljubljana, 1973) studied philosophy at the Faculty of Arts for two years, then painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana, and at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. She received her PhD in
  • Zero City -
    “Zero City” is a number of elevator shafts of different length. Their spatial structure resembles a city where the role of each building is to move in a vertical direction. All the elevators are programmed the same way and act as a pack carrying out
  • Responsive audiovisual installation where visitors playfully stack, as if pieces of a giant interactive puzzle, plastic bins that act as symbols of containers transiting world markets. Video-mapping projections react to the new sculptural
  • Clockwork -
    Twelve concrete mixers are arranged in a circle in the center of a large rectangular space. They form an “erosion machine” designed to accelerate the decay of Vienna. The mixing drums are filled with architectural debris taken from various buildings
  • Kinney, Tulsa. Dara and Surrealism
  • SMDK is a cross-disciplinary project by Knowbotic Research that results from an exchange of working techniques between media artists, computer musicians and computer scientists. The interactive environment SMDK consists of a data base containing
  • This augmented reality installation creates "pavilions of absence" in which images of contemporary artists, whose works in public space have been censored, are reduced to gold silhouettes and placed in the midst of terms of transgression. Each
  • Intermittent spaces -
    Keynote speaker: “Intermittent spaces.” LLC Sound Arts Visiting Practitioners Series. May 21, 2020. Organized by CRiSAP (Creative Research in Sound Arts Practice) and London College of Communication (LCC). University of the Arts London UAL.
  • web of life
  • Pinocchio Interactive is a dynamic installation which integrates: robotic, animation, digital fantasy and interactivity. It is a ludicrous experience which is filled with surprises, tricks and wizards of the life of pinocchio in the version 2000.