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  • ... responsive performance environments fusing space, sound, image, architectural material and sensor-based technologies. Such...
  • ...This essay by former research assistant Isabella Iska at the Center for Image Science, is a tribute to the artist, scholar, professor and...
  • ... have emerged that also allow new modes of narration and image languages. FUTURE CINEMA is the first major international...
  • ... materials employed. In its turn this "sense" can only be the image of the culture of a certain period in which the form sees the...
  • ... art (2005 - 2020), complex and subtle compositions of text, image, sound and vibration are generated - always different and live -...
  • ... on a new collaborative generativeinstallation exploring image/music/text relations. I have been undertaking a number of new...
  • .. "So instead of writing about meaning production, I empower the exploration of meta-meaning processes that arise via self-directed engagement" ..
  • ... initally broadcast in Spring 1998. Cox has exhibited computer images and animations in more than 100 invitational and juried...
  • ... art distract from the layer of data and code, any 'digital image' has ultimately been produced by instructions and the software...
  • Desert rain -
    ... to the potential of something existing beyond the realms of the image. (…) It is therefore the performing live presence existing...