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  • the new work is an enhanced version of the audiovisual installation data.tron, where each single pixel of visual image is strictly calculated by mathematical principle, composed from a combination of pure mathematics and the vast sea of data present
  • bug[lab]02 -
    The installation gathers a group of 10 robotic dogs in which some punctual and random bugs emerge (this is almost a pleonasm) in order to ironically illustrate the potential consequences of some functional problems in the system. It consists of
  • An Australian electronic musician, video artist and electronic engineer. "I have been active in video production since 1974. My first involvement was with Bush Video and the Paddington Video Access Centre where I learnt video editing and technical
  • Cloud - video
    "Cloud" is a monumental kinetic installation hanging suspended in the Great Hall at the Ontario Science Centre. One hundred identical sculptural elements, arranged in ten by ten grid, are rotated at slightly differing speeds by computer-controlled
  • Syncronicity 2008 This work developed out of my research fellowship at goldsmiths college.This is a live visualisation of a hand drawn city. Dozens of hand drawings are being walk on by small robots. The real space made as a visualisation. A
  • E-Cloud
    A dynamic sculpture inspired by the volume and behavior of an idealized cloud. Made from polycarbonate tiles that can fade between transparent and opaque states, its patterns are transformed periodically by real time weather data from around the
  • After Tomorrow -
    If we consider the Revelation to John as a veritable scenario of the Apocalypse its realization (the reality always differs from the scenario) can look in the following way. There is a world where one part of the survived passed into a new form of
  • netomat is a web browser that takes visitors for a ride into an unexplored internet. Unlike traditional web browsers, which retrieve only predefined web content and rely on the model of the page, netomat engages a different internet -- one that is
  • MONOCOLOR alias Marian Essl is a Vienna based audiovisual artist. He explores the interrelations between sound and image in both performance-based and installation-based works. His fully generative, algorithmically created imagery oscillates between
  • Uršula Berlot, Kaleidoscopic Gaze, 2010 video projection onto an image on a mirror (video loop 6′); two mirrors (90 x 180 cm; 90 x 110 cm), foil covering, projection and reflected light Site specific video installation; variable dimensions Uršula