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  • ... to the museum lie down and look up into a dome to view images of ceilings of many of the most spectacular buildings in...
  • Mutatis mutandis -
    ... It’s hypermedia project realised from digitalized video images and sounds. It addresses issues concerning poetry and...
  • ... approach and intention of his artistic passion. Music, sound, image and moving picture is stretched and condensed in form, time and...
  • Elastic Surgery -
    ... performed. The mirror acts like a true mirror, with the warped image updating 30 times a second with a full video resolution of...
  • Douce France -
    ... dreamed in Russia. But her work is ironical, it draws up an image of a globalized world, dominated by capital and formatted by...
  • ... is transformed and interpreted by a computer into live visual images projected onto a screen rising from the body of the piano. The...
  • Plan-it! -
    ... watch passively. They should be surrounded by sound and moving image rather than being confronted and they should leave the...
  • Metroscopes -
    ... of a commonality that both reinforces and extends the self-image of those participating in such a relationship. This project aims...
  • ... link him to radical causes in Berlin and the Far East. In one image he is hanging out with Pussy Riot and in another wearing arabic...
  • ... forwards and backwards in the scene. The computer-generated imagery showed a room that reproduced the appearance and proportions...