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  • Lightpools
    ... leave the user behind and perform a group dance to a driving...
  • ...In the search for new forms of urbanity the influence of media technologies on...
  • Knowbotic Research investigates in the context of the "war of terror" legal frameworks which inscribe and determine in mostly invisible layers our public fields of action. KR directs the attention away from the dominant layer of represen-tation
  • .. his artistic development between research in the humanities, multi-sensory engineering and collaborative practice in the fields of digital art and theatre ..
  • ... robot installation - with performative and interactive aspects - that...
  • Elevator's Music -
    The site-specific installation “Elevator’s Music”, visits the topic of synthetic creatures becoming sentient. What if centuries from now, we had the technology to make any machine self-aware? In this distant future, if an elevator could be
  • ...Inspired by forms of animism, herbalism, panpsychism, and the care of sustenance...
  • Interference – a network dropping out, white noise on screens – is seldom welcome. Yet without it, we might not encounter new perspectives or discover new stars. At Jodrell Bank Observatory, scientists regard interference as unhelpful noise or
  • Three networked skyboards equip visitors to surf freely throughout a shared virtual space. Each fiberglass skyboard is a custom full-body input device, with force-sensing resistors driving the flight simulation for the occupant's on-screen
  • TouchCounters -
    TouchCounters are computational tags that track the usage of physical objects. TouchCounters sense activity through magnetic, acceleration, and infrared sensors, and indicate their status on bright LED displays. Through magnetic snap connectors,