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Fang-Ho, Cheng. Speaking Subject — Lin Pey- Chwen’s Eve Clone Artist Magazine (2014): 404-407.
Fang-Ho Cheng. Fang-Ho Cheng, “Speaking Subject—Lin Pey-Chwen’s Eve Clone” “Speaking Subject—Lin Pey-Chwen’s Eve Clone” (2017).
Event: Computer Voices / Speaking MachinesInstitution: Walter Phillips GalleryComment:
OPENING RECEPTION: October 14, 2022 October 28, 6-8pm: Writer and author, John Avlon will be speaking about his new book as one of the events of this three-month exhibition and will be interviewed by Margaret Hoover, host of PBS Firing Line. Gail
Maes, Pattie and Trevor Darrell and Bruce et. al. Blumberg. The ALIVE System: Wireles, Full Body Interaction with Autonomous Agents Multimedia Systems - Special Issue on Multimedia and Multisensory Virtual Worlds 5, no. 2 (March 1995): 105-112.
Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. Cyber City Flights Leonardo Special 10 (1991).
Beiguelman, Giselle. For an aesthetics of transmission First Monday , no. Special Issue 4 (February 2006).
Aceti, Lanfranco. Visions of Contemporary Cuts- Special Issue Journal of Visual Cultures (2015).
March: 5th Japan Media Arts Festival Exhibition of Award-winning Works Dates: March 1–10, 2002 Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography (Ebisu, Tokyo) Entries: 1,053 works Visitors: 12,958 people *The Special Prize was newly established.