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This workshop is a trial to describe how information flows through us. What we do with mobile phone is just exchange information. It enters through the ear and into the mind and then out through the mouth. In this workshop, visual
National Institute of Justice Level 3: magnum 9mm point blank range protective lingerie. (source:
Biotica -An immersive journey into a world of artificial-life creatures. Viewers use their arms to fly and navigate in a virtual 3D world of evolving, swimming and pulsing a-life creatures. (source:
Arteries -Arteries is a digital public art project based on a town/city in the South West region. The theme is the the structure of a town/city as a living and constantly changing organism; The 'body' of the town or city having no rigid boundaries
Epicene -An interactive installation which required the viewer to enter at which point they would hear a hypnotic induction. If the viewer did not enter, the piece retained an idea of a psychological barrier. (source:
Oracular flames kept captive within birdcages recite speeches of some political leaders of the twentieth century. Gas flames, suitably modulated by electrical fields can be made to act as omnidirectional loudspeakers of surprising clarity and
Viewers take an umbrella, walk into the rainbow, and hear music played by water streams. (source:
Intrusively invading the public domain with audio-visuals of the stalker Bob Lee. (source:
Film recordings of vibrating flames represent the articulations of speech, based on 19th century manometric flame devices. (source:
The surface inspiration for "n-Cha(n)t" was a strong and somewhat inexplicable desire to hear a community of computers speaking together: chattering amongst themselves, musing, intoning chants... "n-cha(n)t" is a community of "Givers of Names"