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  • SPEED -
    Event: SPEEDInstitution: Wilhelm Lehmbruck MuseumComment:
  • Moore, Lila. Techno-Spiritual Horizons: Compassionate Networked Art Forms and Noetic Fields of Cyborg Body and Consciousness Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 15, no. 3 (December 2017): 325-339.
  • Garden Of Changes -
    Connected to Elke Reinhuber's earlier research on choice and decision making, the forking path structure of the garden was turned into an oracle contraption, based on the legendary iChing, the Book of Changes. After posing a question at the entrance
  • Speelruimte -
    Event: SpeelruimteInstitution: Dordrecht MuseumComment:
  • Sperlich, Tom. Spektakel am Deichtor c´t magazin für computer und technik (May 1993).
  • Coy, Wolfgang. Automat-Werkzeug-Medium Informatik Spektrum 18, no. 1 (1995): 31-38.
  • Deussen, Oliver and Bernd Lintermann. Erzeugung komplexer botanischer Objekte in der Computergraphik Informatik Spektrum 20, no. 4 (1997): 208-215.
  • Deussen, Oliver and Bernd Lintermann. Pflanzenbilder aus dem Computer Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2 (2001): 58-65.
  • Event: Big Botany: Conversations with the plant worldInstitution: Spencer Museum of ArtComment:
  • Nature -
    I created Design By Numbers during in a time when getting artists and designers to program the computer was just beginning to become in vogue. I spent most of the earlier half of the 1990's espousing the importance of getting beyond the tools, and