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  • Event: Value of Values, Speculative Speculations on the BlockchainInstitution: ISEA2019Comment:
  • Moore, Lila. Fields of Networked Mind: Ritual Consciousness and the Factor of Communitas in Networked Rites of Compassion Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 13, no. 3 (December 2015): 331-339.
  • Decades -
    Event: DecadesInstitution: Speculum Artium FestivalComment:
  • Speculum Artium -
    Event: Speculum ArtiumInstitution: Speculum ArtiumComment:
  • Accident
    Runtime looped animation in which language continuously emerges and disappears. As a speech fragment is repeated and letters disappear from it, new meanings emerge.
  • Puppet and Gravity -
    Tamas Waliczky exhibits 7 new animations and 11 prints. Curator: Anna Szepesi Opening Speech: Zsuzsanna Szegedy-Maszak Opening: 7 December 2023, 18:00 Guided tour by Tamas Waliczky: 12 December 2023, 18:00 8 December 2023 - 3 February 2024
  • SPEED -
    Event: SPEEDInstitution: Wilhelm Lehmbruck MuseumComment:
  • Moore, Lila. Techno-Spiritual Horizons: Compassionate Networked Art Forms and Noetic Fields of Cyborg Body and Consciousness Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 15, no. 3 (December 2017): 325-339.
  • Garden Of Changes -
    Connected to Elke Reinhuber's earlier research on choice and decision making, the forking path structure of the garden was turned into an oracle contraption, based on the legendary iChing, the Book of Changes. After posing a question at the entrance
  • Speelruimte -
    Event: SpeelruimteInstitution: Dordrecht MuseumComment: