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  • ... includes algorithmically-generated installation pieces for video, multichannel sound, and robotically-controlled objects, live... Matthew Ostrowski is a composer, performer, and installation artist. Using digital tools and formalist techniques to engage with...
  • ... artists and designers. Burbano's work ranges from documentary video (in both science and art), sound and telecommunication art to... los Andes in Bogota, Colombia. Burbano holds a Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California Santa Barbara...
  • ...Max Hattler is an artist and academic who works with abstract animation, video installation and audiovisual performance. He holds a master's... Max Hattler is an artist and academic who works with abstract animation, video installation and audiovisual performance. He holds a master's...
  • ... Panoramic Navigator presents a complete 360 degree real time video view of the surrounding environment and points out and... augmented reality technologies developed at the ZKM Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Panoramic Navigator allows...
  • ... car park area outside the Creative Media Centre. To create the video art piece First-person Painter, a small action camera was... created a 2.5meter wide and 30-meter long calligraphic work of art as a gift to City University of Hong Kong The painting hangs down...
  • ...Crystal Math. 1-channel video, 5.1 sound, 5000 m nylon-wire With thousands of meters of nylon threat Sylvia Eckermann produced a spider web that...
  • ... with numerous premieres offering an overview of past film, video and media works was created from over 500 independently... The European Media Art Festival was held under this name for the first time in the European Film and Television Year of 1988. The concept...
  • Punishment 1 -
    ...The landscape imagery in the photographs and videos of the Punishment series recall the paintings of the Romantic period: craggy mountains, deep... majestic landscape to the point of physical exhaustion. The artist and his whip are dwarfed by the powerful background. The work...
  • ...Interactive computer video installation Three doors of the environment 'Tür für Huxley' ('Door for Huxley') simulate the entrance to different... is half open and showcases a space of action consisting of artificially distorted staircase and door sequences from films...
  • Point to Point -
    ...oint to Point" (Networked installation, website, computer, projector, and video cameras) is a public art work that uses the motion of people in... website, computer, projector, and video cameras) is a public art work that uses the motion of people in public space to drive an...