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  • Scholar: Ingrid Gonçalves
  • Artist: Sarah Beth GoncarovaComment:
  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Structure Gonflables et Participation RHOBO (Spring 1968).
  • Video of the launch of a helium ballon to the Stratosphere (20 kilometers high up). The balloon carried a payload with an experiment using 3 black and white video cameras with color filters in front in order to produce a final video in full color.
  • .. co-founder of several media art research projects and artist residency programmes, including Art-A-Hack and ThoughtWorks Arts Residency ..
  • The Artist in Residence program is one of the programs started at IAMAS since establishment. Each year IAMAS invites outstanding artists from overseas to Japan, and supports their activities while on the program. There have been 16 artists who have
  • Just Use It ! -
    2007 Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum (June 14 – August 26) “Just Use It !” with works by Yoko Ono, Feliz Gonzales-Torres, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Jeppe Hein, Marco Evaristti, Dieter Buchhart curated by Anna-Karina
  • This augmented reality work series is located in and around the buildings of the Istanbul Biennial. Inspired by Pedrosa and Hoffmann's curatorial statement referencing the works and methodology of Felix Gonzalez-Torres, these artworks overlay simple
  • A Gonzalez-Carsolio and AA Velasco-Medina and AL Burbano-Ceron and G Velazquez-Samano. LATEX EXPOSURE AND ALLERGY ANNALS OF ALLERGY ASTHMA & IMMUNOLOGY (NOVEMBER 2012): A82-A82.
  • Andres-Leonardo Burbano-Ceron and Adriana Barreto-Sosa and Aida Gonzalez-Carsolio and Andrea Aida Velasco-Medina and Guillermo Velázquez-Sámano. Botox Injections in Larynx as a Treatment for Vocal Cord Dysfunction WAO Journal (FEBRUARY 2012):