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  • Cacophony (3 minutes) weaves historic events in the fields of art and the politics. It nears different situations and it presents them visually from the point-of-view of the media, the spectacle, dissolving their contents in a crescent aesthetic &...
  • Located between the home video and the reality show the work (9 minutes) presents a Newyorker Christmas scene focusing on the commerce of toys , a thematic park at Macy´s magazine and the Christmas decoration of street display windows.
  • Abominable Abdominal Wrinkles reffers to a Rrose Sélavy´s text: "Abominables fourrures abdominales".It belongs to a series of Writings produced by Duchamp based in the dadaist manner. The video (1 minute) plays with compactation of information...
  • Designed as a large scale video projection (3:12 minutes), like a sonorous moving billboard. It shows 3 times almost the same sequence of images, each time with a different audio. An old photography depicts the image of three children at the beach. A...
  • MN.A is a video installation created for the Artist Researcher Project of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói, RJ, Brazil. It was addressed to the physical and conceptual characteristics of that place. It belongs to the
    series American...
  • Website MMM -
    The web site MMM is based on the work-in-progress (The) Bride Descending a Staircase, developed by Simone Michelin, in Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro (BR), Philadelphia and New York (US), from 1989 to 1999. The series had a latter version created for...
  • Lilliput 1.0 -
    Lilliput is a system composed of human, physical and technological infrastructures that makes feasible the production of wallpapers for cell phones in the Centro Cultural Telemar. The visitor chooses where to position him/herself in a photographic...
  • Embracement -
    This unique work was a result of the first ever Australian collaboration between an artist and scientists from the Australian Centre for Field Robotics, leading to the use of a photodynamic screen especially developed to realise the work's artistic...
  • In simple terms Panoramic Acceleration is an interactive experience where the physical body and visual perception is subjected to extreme rotational movement. The participant sits in a racing car seat on a motorized revolving arm and focuses on a...
  • Open Head
    Open Head is Marnix de Nijs’s first interactive installation. Engine-powered the machine rotates a monitor attached to an arm of steel, which can reach a top speed of 120 km/hour. A visible image only appears on the screen when it is transformed by...