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  • ... Wireles, Full Body Interaction with Autonomous Agents Multimedia Systems - Special Issue on Multimedia and Multisensory Virtual Worlds 5, no. 2 (March 1995): 105-112.
  • ... TV construe images inside a fixed frame, the notion of 'augmented reality' that accompanied the development of the virtual reality technologies offers the new paradigm of a mobile viewing window that reveals images that are spatially embedded in...
  • ...The immersive installation site-inflexion invites visitors to take part in a site-specific virtual and acoustic journey. The scenery and soundscapes of the JKU campus are the main actors in the work, alluding to Johannes Kepler’s activity as a landscape mathematician....
  • ... sculptures, his digital art evokes powerful emotions, reflecting the complexities of human identity and life's journey. In virtual reality, his exhibitions transport viewers into realms of boundless imagination, showcasing his ability to craft narratives...
  • ... designer and Project Co-ordinator of a new Interactive art centre in Cordoba, Spain called CICOV (Centro Interactivo Cordoba Virtual).
  • ... focuses primarily on interactive environments and technologies of presence. Known for his pioneering work in the field of Virtual Reality at NASA, Fisher's media industry experience also includes Atari, Paramount, and his own companies Telepresence...
  • ... unusual tour. The strange mode of navigation not only changes the course of events, but also the structures of perception in virtual space. The Freud-Lissitzky Navigator grew out of conversations about a problem that Klein had been wrestling with since 1995:...
  • ... films, music videos, large-scale performance works, interactive art installations, video games, artificial life systems and virtual reality. Allen is not interested in technology for its own sake, however. Rather, she is interested in a technoculture which...
  • ... planet. Dematerialized by its own reflections, the artificial landscape blurs the distinction between the real and the virtual. Simulacra of the natural metaphorically mediate the idea of nature as a projection, one that mirrors our own projections and...
  • Tesla Electric -
    ... from the International Tesla Society. In this production, we tested a new method of immersing an audience into a virtual scene. In the past we have relied on real-time graphics to give our audience a sense of moving along with the on-stage...