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  • Drawing by Numbers -
    ... of the figure in the original life drawing. a series of codes and images, and receive a printout.... a series of codes and images, and receive a printout....
  • Lin Pey Chwen’s oeuvre extends from sculpture to interactive digital installations. Over the course of more than twenty years, her work encompasses a unique approach to media art and technology exploring a critical understanding of contemporary
  • Paragens
    ... space full of electronic images, photographies,... space full of electronic images, photographies,...
  • antidatamining -
    ... Diverted from their original goals, data mining tools... to create a series of images of our society pictured... to create a series of images of our society pictured...
  • Blast -
    ... contemporary texts and images and their accompanying... contemporary texts and images and their accompanying...
  • ... all forms of moving image and interactive arts. ... all forms of moving image and interactive arts. ...
  • ... City of Bits will also generate real time news feeds,...
  • In Conversation -
    ... The surveillance image was simultaneously conveyed... The surveillance image was simultaneously conveyed...
  • ... visitors and (4) partial images of the visitors, who are... visitors and (4) partial images of the visitors, who are...
  • Interactive Poem MUSE -
    ... collaborative poets who generate a new poem and a new...