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  • ... art, but also into applications, animated gifs or noisy sounds. In 2010 he coined the term "pixel sorting", an algorithmic...
  • ... to the archetypal forms of the past. In many of his works, sounds, objects, watercolors and drawings, coded movies, functional...
  • ... pleasing tokens of peace by glitching their code with lyrics, sounds and lines from poetry, creating her first series of objects,...
  • ... by using multiple kind of expression : art, technology, sounds and architecture. They mix art and digital technology in order...
  • ...Sanchez Cardona, LM. Sounds [That] Are Not. Is there any time left? In Towards a Non-Anthropocentric Ecology: Victoria Vesna and Art in the...
  • ... of machines. She has created installations that amplify the sounds and movements of living worms, indoor ecosystems that grow...
  • Colmena -
    ... live autarkic in the trees. Through chaotic and unpredictable sounds and movements the creatures seem alive and fit perfectly into...
  • Substance -
    ... upon, particular locations on the body produce corresponding sounds and images that are projected onto the floor and walls. Richard...
  • ... with the delirium of a woman through intensified visions and sounds, inspired by the atmospheres of David Lynch and Sarah Kane....
  • Simon Biggs -
    ... video-feed into a computer, which then generates images and sounds in relation to what the computer sees. In the Art Annex...