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  • ..."An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War" is an interactive CD-ROM and computer-media installation project that explores the inscription of...
  • Slippery Traces -
    ... into each other. First, the archive consists mostly of commercial postcards selected out of 2000 to represent 20th century...
  • Tracing -
    ... the front screen area, the data being shared through infra-red communication between the two computers. (George Legrady)
  • A Sense of Place -
    ... space, items from the inventory of objects in the image come into focus depending on the audience's relative position in...
  • Transitional Spaces -
    ... with visual noise until, after a few minutes the image is completely replaced by noise. With any movement the noise is suddenly...
  • Eternal Summer -
    ..."Eternal Summer" is a site-specific, 4 screen installation commissioned for the waiting room of the Ebner, Stolz & Partners corporate office at...
  • ... in the gallery and at home could review the objects and add comments and stories to any of the them. The archive of objects...
  • SensingSpeakingSpace -
    "Sensing Speaking Space", is an interactive installation that focuses on the notion of the "intelligent space", a space that knows you are there and reacts to the presence and movements of multiple spectators sensed through a custom camera tracking
  • Chance Encounters -
    ...Chance Encounters is a computer generated installation presented on video displays at the 7th and Metro Subway station platforms in Los Angeles,...
  • ... middle of the moment the one of photography which reveals a complex network of characteristic signs from our own experience of...